Meaning Renewable Scholarships
What does Renewable Scholarships mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Renewable Scholarships. You can also add a definition of Renewable Scholarships yourself


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Renewable Scholarships

A scholarship that is awarded for more than one year. Usually the student must maintain certain academic standards to be eligible for subsequent years of the award. Some renewable scholarships will require the student to reapply for the scholarship each year; others will just require a report on the student's progress to a degree.
Source: (offline)


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Renewable Scholarships

A scholarship that is awarded for more than one year. Usually the student must maintain certain academic standards to be eligible for subsequent years of the award. Some renewable scholarships will re [..]


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Renewable Scholarships

A scholarship that is awarded for more than one year. Usually the student must maintain certain academic standards to be eligible for subsequent years of the award. Some renewable scholarships will re [..]


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Renewable Scholarships

These are scholarships awarded for more than one year.  Some renewable scholarships are automatically renewed, which means you need not re-submit paperwork.  For others you must re-submit paperwork.  [..]

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